Let ContactRelief maximize your call volume – and minimize your risk

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When a natural or manmade disaster strikes, knowing which of your customers it’s OK to contact – and more importantly, which it’s not – can be hard to determine. ContactRelief eliminates the guesswork. Our sophisticated Disaster Decision Engine tells you precisely who’s affected – allowing you to maximize your call volume while minimizing brand and compliance risks.

Maximize Call Volume

Disasters don’t mean you have to suspend operations completely. The Disaster Decision Engine provides real-time recommendations that are accurate to the zip code, allowing you to effectively adjust your contact strategies to suspend only those directly affected by the event.

ContactRelief gives you the information you need to make smart decisions on your terms. No two contact centers are the same, so we give you the option to amplify, suspend or resume contact using customizable rules that you can set and adjust. By integrating your defined specifications with our automated system, we deliver the insights you need to maximize call volume across your entire contact base.

Minimize Risks

A disaster’s severity and impact zone can can change at a moment’s notice, so your contact strategy must be able to do the same. ContactRelief protects you against compliance and brand risks through hyper-focused contact suspension recommendations.

We also empower you to instantly push suspension activities across the organization, giving you total control – and peace of mind. ContactRelief ensures you remain fully operational without the constant threat of a compliance or brand nightmare.

Are you prepared for the next disaster?

Disasters can strike at a moment’s notice. That’s why, at ContactRelief, we provide round the clock disaster monitoring to keep your operations ahead of disasters. With timely, comprehensive recommendations that are accurate to the ZIP code, ContactRelief ensures you focus less on the disaster, and more on your operations.

Contact sales@contactrelief.com for more information.