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Mass Shooter in Odessa/Midland Texas
A suspect opened fire from a freeway in Odessa, Texas killing 5 and injuring 24.
Saturday, 31 August 2019 22:17:11 +00:00
Police reported an active shooting situation that reportedly began on or near a freeway in Odessa, Texas. A suspect opened fire from a freeway in Odessa, Texas killing 5 and injuring 24. The suspect has been killed.
Intital reports of two shooters were untrue according to local police.
ContactRelief Recommendations
ContactRelief issued and has now expired its Active Shooter alert.
ContactRelief has now issued a Mass Shooting alert and recommendation for contact centers to suspend non-essential contact to selected Zip Codes in Odessa and Midland, Texas until further notice. To obtain the list of Zip Codes, become a ContactRelief subscriber.